Weaving together the web of efficiency at Accure

● Develop a web-based project management system for manufacturing companies

● Project managers to be able to create and modify projects, tasks, and assign tasks to the backlog of respective team members

● Individual team members to schedule tasks from their backlog and update the status of the tasks

● Display the project or task information in both calendar and Gantt chart view

● Provide APIs for other systems to integrate

● Compatible with all browsers


Designed and developed a web-based system using technology such as CSS, Javascript, and SQL Server. Below is the devised module:

● My Playbook: Contains all tasks of the projects that are assigned to the user in calendar mode

● Game Plan: Includes details of all tasks of the projects that are assigned to the user in “Gantt Chart Mode” ● Dashboard: Comprises the module that provides state-of-the-art reports on the current status of any project

● Following features are included in the system:

• Project addition and updationTo advanced, the addition of tasks corresponding to a project in backlog, and ability to check the status of reports for projects and tasks

• Task modification and scheduling from the backlog

• Updation of the status of tasks as they are performed on Gantt chart

  • Developed using the latest technology
  • Compatible with all browsers
  • Ability to interface with any other system via APIs

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